August 2022
The journey to homefulness
on 31/08/2022

Meet two of our valued team members here at Hutt St Centre – Andy and Doris! An important part of the job for case managers like Andy is helping people find a safe and permanent home. But as anyone who’s had to move house will tell you, it can be...
An Un-FUR-getable Day
on 19/08/2022

Participants of our Aged City Living program recently had an a-meow-zing time at Sassy's Cat Cafe and Adoption Centre. A big thank you to Sharon and the team for their warm welcome, and for making it such a special occasion for everyone who came along! Kingsley (pictured) LOVES cats, as...
Hutt St Centre's 2022 Business Lunch
on 17/08/2022

As a local South Australian charity, we feel incredibly fortunate to have the support of amazing South Australian business leaders, philanthropists and social changemakers. During Homelessness Week earlier this month, many of these supporters came together at Adelaide Oval to help us celebrate Hutt St Centre’s Annual Business Lunch. A...
SA's Governor Walks a Mile with People Experiencing Homelessness
on 12/08/2022

This morning, our Chair Tim O'Callaghan and CEO Chris Burns, along with a small group of clients, volunteers and staff from Hutt St Centre were warmly welcomed at Government House by our Patron, Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC, Governor of South Australia and Mr Bunten. Together, we walked...
Celebrating the FIVEaa Undie Drive for 2022
on 08/08/2022

Most of us go to our drawers and pull out a fresh pair of 'smalls' without much thought – and we’ve generally got a few pairs to get us through until washing day! But people sleeping rough don’t have that luxury. That’s why we are so incredibly grateful to David...
Five ways to help end homelessness
on 06/08/2022

As Homelessness Week comes to a close for 2022, it's important to remember homelessness remains a tough reality for more than 6,000 people in South Australia all year round. Let’s keep ending homelessness on the agenda beyond Homelessness Week. There are so many ways you can learn more about homelessness...
60 years of dining service at Hutt St Centre
on 05/08/2022

Today marks 60 years since the doors first opened to Hutt St Centre’s dining room. Since then, we’ve served more than 2 million meals to people doing it tough in South Australia! While the Daughters of Charity first began providing meals to the local community in 1954, this day marked...
Nathan shares his journey out of homelessness
on 01/08/2022

Today marks the beginning of Homelessness Week (1-7 August). But for more than 6,000 people in South Australia, like Nathan*, homelessness is an everyday reality. Aged just 15, Nathan fled his abusive family and came to Adelaide seeking a fresh start. With no support to speak of, he worked hard...