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Hutt St Centre

Jen reclaims her health with your support

As the number of people seeking essential healthcare at Hutt St Centre continues to grow, your support ensures we’re able to meet this urgent need.

Jen* came into the Centre for a hot meal, but after chatting with our team about some health concerns, she connected with visiting pharmacist Clara at our Healthy Heart clinic.

Jen is in her early 30s but experienced stress-related tachycardia following a brutal assault while sleeping rough. To complicate matters, she also has a family history of cardiovascular disease.

“I try to keep myself healthy with regular exercise, good food and avoiding drugs and alcohol,” Jen says.

“The food here at Hutt St is really good – I can always get something healthy and filling to keep me going. But sleeping in my car does make it hard to look after myself as well as I’d like to.”

After discussing these concerns, Clara checked Jen’s blood pressure and gave her expert advice on managing her health risks.

Our next step is to help Jen explore accommodation options so she can reclaim her health and focus on the future with confidence. Thank you for making changes like this possible.


Your support made it possible for Jen to connect with healthcare services when she needed it the most.


 *While some names and images have been changed for privacy, these stories are very real and reflect how important your generosity is for helping people make their steps out of homelessness.


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Thank you for giving Liam this fresh start


After a traumatic and unstable childhood, Liam* first experienced homelessness at just 14. Now in his early 40s, he’s spent over a quarter of his life sleeping rough. Despite being homeless for so long, Liam says you never get used to it: “It was always freezing cold, wet and windy. I felt stuck – no matter how hard I’d try,...

read more about Thank you for giving Liam this fresh start

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