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Hutt St Centre

Will you help keep treasured possessions safe?

Imagine if every possession you’ve collected in your life had to be packed into one small bag. What would you keep? What would you lose?

People who live on the streets rarely have the luxury to keep their few possessions safe. And when you own so little, what you do have is worth so much more.

This is why Hutt St Centre created a locker facility - a safe place to store belongings for people with no space of their own. The 70 lockers at Hutt St are free to anyone who needs them.

“I don’t know anywhere else in Adelaide where you can store your things like this,” said Harry*, an older man who’s been visiting Hutt St on and off for several years.

“You see people on the streets with trolleys filled with their stuff. There’s probably not more than two bob worth of things in there, but what they do have they want to keep.

For people who don’t have comfortable lives or who had a terrible childhood – it’s like a security blanket for them, to be able to have things of their own.”

Photos of loved ones, medication, phone chargers, dry socks and perhaps a change of clothes are just some of the personal items people need to keep safe but have nowhere to store. They are just a few of the treasured possessions in plastic shopping bags and backpacks kept currently in our storage facility.

The lockers we currently provide are very old and in desperate need of upgrade. A Hutt St Centre employee must accompany a client, one person at a time, into the locker room for them to be able to access their few belongings, to maintain security.

A safe, secure locker may seem like such a small thing. But access to this space means so much – and we need to build a new and improved private, lockable and secure room full of lockers, that more people can benefit from.

Will you help provide extra security and privacy for each client’s few possessions? Your gift today can help ensure people have a safe place to store their most prized possessions - offering a feeling of security and enabling people to have things of their own.


Back to Word from the Street, Spring 2019


*To protect their identity, the name of our client has been changed - all other details about his life and story are true.