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Hutt St Centre

Words to live by

Posted by Hutt St Centre on 2023-04-20

We’re grateful for the incredible support of this community, but we know homelessness is often a deeply polarising and divisive issue in the broader public.

It's easy to have strong opinions about what people who are experiencing homelessness should do, how they should behave, or why they are in their current situation. But the reality is that homelessness is complex and affects people from all walks of life.

In the words of the late larrikin priest, Father Bob Maguire, “You don’t have to like people to love them.”

This quote is a reminder that, while we won't always agree with everyone we encounter, we can still extend love and compassion to them.

For people experiencing homelessness, this can mean offering a helping hand, a listening ear, or a sense of hope and possibility. It can mean seeing them as human beings deserving of dignity and respect, rather than simply as a problem to be solved.

At Hutt St Centre, we believe in the power of unrelenting compassion to help people overcome the challenges of homelessness.

We strive to create a welcoming and inclusive community where everyone feels valued and supported, regardless of their circumstances. We know that building relationships based on empathy, understanding, and acceptance is the key to creating lasting change.

Father Bob's words – and indeed the way he lived his life – serve as a powerful example of how to show unconditional love, without judgement.

As we work to end homelessness, let's remember to approach the issue with open hearts and minds, and extend kindness and generosity to everyone we meet – regardless of our differences. 

Rest In Peace, Fr Bob Maguire (1934-2023)